"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." -Lewis Carroll

We believe that successful goals are pursued with a disciplined plan built on a solid foundation and executed with precision.

1. Establish our relationship: We invite clients for a warm introduction, and a chance to learn about each other. We're happy to share our passion, our process, our prices, and we encourage clients to share their 'story'; their experiences, their goals, dreams, priorities and concerns. We want to understand their fears, learn about prior experiences, and listen to the questions they have. Oftentimes, stages of life bring different goals, and needs from each investor that they may not have clearly identified. We work closely with clients to help them define their goals, as well as their needs that surround them. 

2. Gather information: We understand that the better quality of information we have from a client the better we are positioned to be able to provide a detailed and concise plan in return. With this in mind, we encourage clients to return a comprehensive data gathering questionnaire. The questionnaire, along with detailed information on assets held away, corporate retirement plans and projected sources of income are among the components used to build the initial stage of a client’s financial plan.

3. Analyze and Assess: Once we have gathered the data, account holdings are examined to identify strengths, weaknesses, costs, risks. We analyze the probability of achieving your stated goals through current ‘investor behavior’; such savings rate, spending goals, and expected rate of return. The resulting financial plan is product agnostic, and makes no sales recommendations, yet, simply analyzes asset allocation and probability of outcomes. This report gives us, the advisor, a clear picture of the client’s assets, liabilities and goals, and substantiated analysis of the probabilities of success based on the client’s objectives and holdings. This information provides the backbone for asset allocation guidelines and recommendations.

4. Deliver the Financial Plan, Analysis and Recommendations: When we are on track to achieve our goals, our aim is to reduce both our risk and our likely range of outcomes and doing our best to “lock in” success. If we are behind in reaching our goals, we need to know what behaviors to modify to catch up. Once the financial plan is prepared, we invite the client in to review, discuss and make any changes they need to based on their spending goals, risk parameters, time horizons and personal preferences. We will then make recommendations that are specific to your needs, situation, and personal attitudes and discuss both the benefits and limitations so that you can make an informed decision.

5. Implement the Plan: “Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.” ― Tom Landry

Once we, as a team, have decided how to best move forward with your plan, we prepare all documents, so they are signature ready, and handle all account transfers with as little interruption to you as possible. We encourage clients to meet with us in person in the month following account establishment to go over their statement, and navigate technology and account websites and answer any questions you may have.

6. Review and Monitor: Even the best laid plan will need to be adjusted from time to time as you move through various life stages and situations change. Markets, personal needs and preferences change over time, and your personal plan is fluid and adaptable. What we ask of our clients is to inform us as they see changes in their lives so that we may best guide them. At a minimum, we expect to meet annually to review accounts, but prefer our clients to meet more regularly, even just to say hello!

Investing involves risk including the potential loss of principal. No investment strategy can guarantee a profit or protect against loss in periods of declining values. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Investing involves risk including the potential loss of principal. No investment strategy can guarantee a profit or protect against loss in periods of declining values. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.